Your Guide TO A Better quality of life
Patient Resources: Blogs | Dr Sachin Baba

Symptoms and Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Every part of the body, from the least significant to the obviously important, has its own special role – you know what they say, the nose can’t run and the feet can’t smell!

Golfers Elbow: Treatment And Causes
South Africa is a paradise for golfers. With great weather and magnificent courses – on the coast, inland, in the bush and in the Berg – it’s no wonder there were over three

How Do I Become A Sports Doctor?
Sports Medicine is one of the newest fields of medical specialisation in South Africa. It’s a branch of medicine that deals primarily with the treatment and prevention of sports- and exercise-related injuries. Also

Preventing Sports Injuries – Simple Tips To Keep You In The Game
If you love playing sport – be it at school level, socially, competitively or professionally – you’ll know how frustrating it is when you pick up an injury. Sometimes, even a seemingly small

Is Elbow Pain Driving You Round The Bend?
We all know how painful it is when we knock our “funny” bone against something. In fact, it’s not really funny at all! But at least we know the pain will subside after

Do I Need Physiotherapy or Orthopaedic Surgery?
If you talk to any sports enthusiast (those that play, not those that spectate!), you’re likely to have heard the debate around choosing physiotherapy versus orthopaedic surgery. Perhaps you’ve suffered an injury yourself